Losing my head over Sleepy Hollow

Losing my head over Sleepy Hollow

October 26, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies / 0 Comments

I know, I know…the blog has been mighty quiet since that last post on October 10th. I’ve been meaning to post more often, seeing as how it’s Socktoberfest and all, but I wound up with a few outside influences making it difficult to post. For anyone who tried to access the blog over the past […]

Yip yip yip….uh huh.

Yip yip yip….uh huh.

October 10, 2011 by Maire in Events, Hobbies / 2 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in Canada (and happy Impending Thanksgiving to those of you who are south of the border). For those of you not celebrating the harvest season with some sort of poultry product, go ahead and do so.  I won’t tell! I’m working on the holiday, so on Friday, Robin and […]

Plus 25% more added cuteness.

Plus 25% more added cuteness.

October 5, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies / 0 Comments

First things first…the testknit of my pattern, 28:06:42:12 is almost done. You’d think this would have been done prior to the pattern release, but some socks only really require one sock to be done before the technical information is released. Truth to be told, Sock #2 is a walk in the park in comparison to […]

28:06:42:12…that is when the world will end.

28:06:42:12…that is when the world will end.

October 1, 2011 by Maire in Patterns / 4 Comments

As promised, a pattern release!  You can download it now on Ravelry. I will admit to being rather excited, as it’s the first pattern work I’ve done in quite a long time. It felt good to dig into page layout again, though next time I don’t think I’ll give myself such a tight deadline. 28:06:42:12 is […]

In Progress

In Progress

September 28, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies / 0 Comments

I really don’t have much of anything to show this week…and that’s mainly because the pattern is coming along, tickety-boo, and that means no peeking until I’m all done and ready to release it. I’m aware that the timer is running down (boy, am I aware), so I’m knitting as fast as my little fingers […]

New Sock Pattern coming soon: 28:06:42:12

New Sock Pattern coming soon: 28:06:42:12

September 26, 2011 by Maire in Patterns, Whimsy / 5 Comments

I figured I would make this an official post rather than a hint in the sidebar of the website for October’s Skinflint Sock Club project. I’m very close to finishing test sock #1 for my new pattern release, 28:06:42:12. If those numbers sound familiar, it’s because that is when the world will end. I will […]

Babywatch 2011

Babywatch 2011

September 21, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies, Whimsy / 0 Comments

I know, I know…with the exception of yesterday’s post (which was a special event, yes), updates have been light on the ground. But I have an excuse…I’ve been busy! While The Yarn Harlot was taking part in Babywatch 2011, we have been doing a bit of the same.  First off, a co-worker of mine was […]

Nine years already?

Nine years already?

September 20, 2011 by Maire in Events / 0 Comments

There’s a steak in the oven, and a salad to be put together, and then…time for a nice dinner. I’m thinking brie and crackers for dessert. The dessert is an indulgence, but indulgence is allright today.  Today is our anniversary. Sometime around the 20th of September, 2002, Robin and I officially became a couple. I […]



September 12, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies / 2 Comments

First, before I do anything else, I’m going to show how this month’s socks are going, since I couldn’t get it together for my weekly Wednesday update. I totally blame work for this, as the rotations screw with my brain. Robin had to remind me on Thursday night that he wasn’t going to need a […]

What was that about muffins?

What was that about muffins?

September 1, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies, Whimsy / 2 Comments

I mentioned that there probably wouldn’t be any pictures of muffins on my blog right?  I lied. I found a low-carb muffin recipe and decided to give it a whirl.  Ingredients?  Cream Cheese, Eggs, Splenda, Vanilla and cinnamon (just a little tapped on top for a bit of zest). They’re currently cooling on the counter, […]
