Falling down the rabbit hole of textured crochet

Falling down the rabbit hole of textured crochet

September 23, 2019 by Maire in Hobbies / 1 Comment

There are times when I find myself in that very odd situation where my perceived knowledge on a subject far outweighs my actual experience. You know the feeling, right? You’re merrily knitting away on a vanilla sock while your World of Warcraft character is taking the fifteen-minute flight between Undercity and Iron Summit when another crafty friend sends you a panicked message asking how to interpret a particularly tricky section of lace in the shawl they’re knitting.

What the gel? Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love my nails.

What the gel? Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love my nails.

September 18, 2019 by Maire in Hobbies, Whimsy / 0 Comments

I am the daughter of a long-time nail-chewer, and took up the habit myself when I was very young. I think I was around twelve or thirteen when the other girls my age started wearing nail polish. It was the 1980’s, and bright colours were a huge deal. The other girls had really nice manicures, even if they were DIY jobs. I had ragged, bitten nails. When I wore nail polish, it flaked off within minutes, let alone hours, and almost always looked awful.

Book Review: The Luminous Dead

Book Review: The Luminous Dead

June 25, 2019 by Maire in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Gyre takes a high-risk spelunking job in hopes of getting off the backwater rock she calls home, ideally to find her mother. Em is a stubborn controller responsible for Gyre’s well-being underground. When Gyre realizes Em is her only support staff, and the job isn’t quite as posted, it’s a no-holds barred adventure.

Book Review: Silver in the Wood

Book Review: Silver in the Wood

June 22, 2019 by Maire in Book Reviews / 1 Comment

Not A (structured) Review aka: I read a thing. Tobias is a Wild Man of the Wood. Henry Silver is the new lord of the manor. When the two meet, magic happens. I just finished reading this little gem. On my Kobo, at my preferred font size, Silver in the Wood clocked in at a […]

Once more into the fray

Once more into the fray

February 3, 2019 by Maire in Nerding / 0 Comments

I’ve been quietly working on the back-end of the website, gearing up for a redesign. Imagine my surprise when I checked the site yesterday to find..well…nothing. All the source code was present, but the site had gone *poof* into so much aether. I took this as a hint that maybe, while my host was restoring…
