New To Me : Friday Favourites
This week’s Friday Favourites theme is Favourite Authors that are New To Me in 2019. Some of these names may seem a little…familiar.
This week’s Friday Favourites theme is Favourite Authors that are New To Me in 2019. Some of these names may seem a little…familiar.
You know how sometimes life is like a jumbled 1980’s movie training montage? My earliest reading memory is something like that.
Do you have a knitter in your life? Do you need to do some Xmas shopping? Check out the choices down below for a handy list of books for knitters!
This week’s Friday Favourites asks you to go ahead and judge a book by its cover. The theme this week is Best Book Covers of 2019.
I don’t really get the whole book boyfriends and/or girlfriends thing. I think, when it comes down to it, I attach myself more to the book than specific characters. I’m willing to list a couple of favourite characters, though.
I don’t know about you, but Christmas makes me tired. I also try not to saturate myself on the holidays, so I’m chopping this list in half to present five holiday books that I like…and five holiday movies. Because that’s just the way I roll.
It’s the first day of December, so that means American Thanksgiving is over and we lived through another November. For the more religious of us, that means we’re now firmly in Advent. There are only 24 shopping days til Yule. Are you ready?
They say you never forget your first love. That adage still holds true when it comes to your favourite books.
When I think about books that influenced my life, I think of the landmark books. The books that were an accessible introduction to an author or a genre.
This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie due to the US Thanksgiving Holiday. I’m going to take a look at the books in my backlist that I haven’t read yet.