See, this is why I’m glad I took a walk last night. Because around here, you’re never sure the weather’s going to last.
Yep. Big fluffy flakes. And before anyone asks, yes, that’s an ashtray on the deck railing. We no longer smoke, but we have friends who do – and it’s just easier to keep an ashtray handy rather than making them loiter at the front of the house looking suspicious.
While we were on our walk yesterday, we stopped by the Safeway for something to drink. I was very happy to see that Snapple now has a 0-carbohydrate “Diet” drink, for those of us looking for the occasional beverage that isn’t water or a soda. Personally, I’m trying to cut out the soda (it has started doing ugly things to my digestion), and I generally don’t believe in buying bottled water (I’d rather think ahead and bring a reusable bottle of my own). It was really nice to see a Snapple product that fit the bill. The one negative? Aspartame. I find that aspartame usually has an aftertaste, which is why I switched to sucralose. Luckily, the Snapple drink doesn’t seem to have that aftertaste, for which I’m thankful.
So, while it may not be the best thing in life, it’s certainly better. And that’s nothing to sneeze at, really.
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