I had to register the car today (nothing like waiting til the last moment), so I also took the opportunity to get some other errands done. By the time I came home I had a bunch of clothes that I picked up on sale, cat foods of various flavours and densities (yes, densities), baking ingredients and a new Moleskine sketchbook.
It’s not too big, and not too small. It will fit in my purse, or my carry-around-bag, or even my back pocket without being TOO small. I bought it for writing and sketching and just plain Doing Stuff. It’s not like I don’t have other sketchbooks, but they’re fairly large and I’d like a place to collect new work. That’s if I can even get started. There’s nothing more intimidating than a blank page.
I don’t know where the fear of blank pages came from. Maybe it’s a childhood of zealous environmentalists telling our generation that wasting paper is bad. Maybe my Dad made some weird sound when I scribbled all over his good matte board. I don’t know. As a result, I always felt weird starting a new project. I have no problems ripping out multiple inches of knitting, but wasting drawing paper scares the living shit out of me.
Learning about sketch journalling
So in addition to the moleskine, I also picked up a book that takes a look inside the take-along sketchbooks of various artists. I’m looking forward to digging into it. It’s always nice to remember that no artist does perfect work all the time, or sometimes even anything that looks vaguely recognizable.
Finally, a picture. The weather haswarmed up considerably outside, but I thought I’d share this. I took the picture around 7AM outside the workplace on one of the frosty/foggy days we had recently. Hell, we’ll probably get more, knowing our weather. It’s been a winter of fog. I’m wondering whether the Dementors are breeding.

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