Some folks may have noticed that it has been awhile since I uploaded a podcast. I actually recorded last Friday…and then wussed right out on the editing part (see, this is why giving me new tools can be a detriment to productivity). I also realized that the podcast was rather rambly, and we don’t need that…
I thought that maybe what I should do is try something different. After all, there’s a webcam built right into this laptop…maybe try a videocast instead?
So I recorded, and managed to get it down to a half an hour. I tried to re-record and shorten it, but the laptop overheated and restarted (handstapleforehead). I went to export the final cut…and realize that I don’t have enough space on libsyn at this time for even the *small* cut of the video. Argh! Add to that that fact that it would take a couple of hours to process. Double argh!
So a recording will be forthcoming. I just need to get my head on straight and put it together….
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