The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai

Posted November 7, 2019 by Maire in Book Reviews, Reviews / 3 Comments

I imagine reading new romance novels from new-to-you authors is somewhat like computer dating. You check out the cover, read the blurb, and decide based on your common interests. For me, Alisha Rai’s The Right Swipe was just that. A swipe to the right.

Alisha Rai returns with the first book in her sizzling new Modern Love series, in which two rival dating app creators find themselves at odds in the boardroom but in sync in the bedroom.

Rhiannon Hunter may have revolutionized romance in the digital world, but in real life she only swipes right on her career—and the occasional hookup. The cynical dating app creator controls her love life with a few key rules:
– Nude pics are by invitation only 
– If someone stands you up, block them with extreme prejudice 
– Protect your heart 

Only there aren’t any rules to govern her attraction to her newest match, former pro-football player Samson Lima. The sexy and seemingly sweet hunk woos her one magical night… and disappears. 

Rhi thought she’d buried her hurt over Samson ghosting her, until he suddenly surfaces months later, still big, still beautiful—and in league with a business rival. He says he won’t fumble their second chance, but she’s wary. A temporary physical partnership is one thing, but a merger of hearts? Surely that’s too high a risk…

The right swipe on the right book

Just to get it out in the open: I’ve heard of Alisha Rai. I’ve heard very good things about her books. This is the first of her books that I’ve read. It’s far too easy to stick with your favourite authors when it comes to romance, even when you outgrow them. When that happens, maybe you need to start playing the field with your books. Pick up something new. Take a chance on liking something different. Goodreads as a book-dating app? Maybe.

The Right Swipe is the story of Rhiannon and Samson, two lonely people in a very social world. Rhi is the CEO of a top-3 dating app called Crush. Samson is a former Pro Football star. They meet through Rhi’s dating app and share a wild and steamy night. Unfortunately, a family emergency suspends the second date, and Samson inadvertently ‘ghosts’ her.

Fast forward to the future and the two meet up at an industry function. Rhi is checking out the competition, and Samson is doing his aunt a favour…as the sheepish face of her aging Matchmaking company. By the time Samson realizes that Rhiannon is there, she’s disappeared into the night like a modern Cinderella.

To drive up business for Matchmaker, Samson agrees to take his aunt’s personality quiz and be filmed on his dates, somewhat like The Bachelor. Samson means well, but he’s so socially clumsy the first date is a complete wash. Literally. His date’s dress will never be the same.

Rhiannon comes up with a solution: They’ll do a collaboration. They’ll film her coaching Samson on current dating practices. As she’s the CEO of a cutting-edge dating company, and he’s the face of the established service, it will be like bringing the old company into the new world of dating.

The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai

Romance, by definition, should be fun

Watching Rhi and Samson’s relationship develop is a delightful adventure. There’s a major KAPOW of sexual chemistry right off the bat, but the fun comes from watching the pair become friends. Rhiannon is standoffish, with trust issues. Samson is the nice guy that all nice guys wish they could be.

When she tells him about the etiquette of dick pics, he’s aghast. Aghast, I tell you!

To be very fair, it’s funny and charming, and exactly the right reaction. The world would be a lot better if the dick pics were consensual.

Speaking of that, I fully approve of the ways Rai builds enthusiastic consent into her story. It’s not forced, and it doesn’t sound robotic or rote. If anything, it heightens the steaminess of the sex scenes. Not only that, but both characters get their chances to lead the action. Samson may be a nice guy, but he has no problem telling Rhi what he wants.

Last thoughts

As far as I recall, Alisha Rai is known for steamy self-published erotic fiction. This is most definitely commercial, and the content reflects that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Commercial success means more books, and I’m always in favour of more books.

The Right Swipe had two very compelling characters with charm and chemistry. They’re also not your typical 20-something sweet romance or 40+ second chance at love. They’re right in the middle of their 30’s and enjoying it.

If you like Thai food, neck massages, references to Willy Wonka, and awkward car sex, this just might be the book for you 🙂



3 responses to “The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai

    • I hope you do enjoy it. Tastes are so subjective, and from what I’ve been seeing on Goodreads, reviews are mixed. I just found it a very charming and funny story. 🙂

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