YouTube, Crafting, and New Adventures
I have this weird tendency to fixate on new hobbies. Honestly, it sometimes feels like my life is just a series of obsessions that meander through a wild wood full of experiences and knowledge.
I have this weird tendency to fixate on new hobbies. Honestly, it sometimes feels like my life is just a series of obsessions that meander through a wild wood full of experiences and knowledge.
You know how sometimes life is like a jumbled 1980’s movie training montage? My earliest reading memory is something like that.
Do you have a knitter in your life? Do you need to do some Xmas shopping? Check out the choices down below for a handy list of books for knitters!
I don’t know about you, but Christmas makes me tired. I also try not to saturate myself on the holidays, so I’m chopping this list in half to present five holiday books that I like…and five holiday movies. Because that’s just the way I roll.
It’s the first day of December, so that means American Thanksgiving is over and we lived through another November. For the more religious of us, that means we’re now firmly in Advent. There are only 24 shopping days til Yule. Are you ready?
This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie due to the US Thanksgiving Holiday. I’m going to take a look at the books in my backlist that I haven’t read yet.
It doesn’t feel like I did a lot this week, but I did find some reading time. I also managed to fit in a little sock knitting. Now if only I didn’t feel so exhausted!
If you’ve ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a killer, John E. Douglas is the guy to listen to. In The Killer Across the Table, Douglas gives insight gleaned from his years with the FBI, talking with killers about their motivations. The Killer Across the Table: Beyond the big names. Twenty years […]
The week before I joined the blog hop, everyone was discussing books that explained a subject of their choice. Let’s look at my favourite writing books!
My reading habits have changed so much over the past couple of years. I’m starting to refine my preferred genres and find balance with my writing.