Book Boyfriends and/or Girlfriends

Posted December 4, 2019 by Maire in meme, Whimsy / 10 Comments

I don’t really get the whole book boyfriends and/or girlfriends thing. I think, when it comes down to it, I attach myself more to the book than specific characters. I’m willing to list a couple of favourite characters, though.

Wednesday Weekday Blogging Challenge

The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is a weekly blog hop hosted by Long and Short Reviews. Last week we talked about books that influenced our lives. Maybe go on over and see what book boyfriends and/or girlfriends everyone else are talking about!

Just choose three

Looking over some of my more recently-read books, these characters stood out as people for whom I’ve developed a soft spot. Enjoy!

Tori Stewart, Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant

For starters, how many main characters can say that their sister was killed by killer mermaids? Then Tori goes and gets a a degree in underwater acoustics so she can track those bad boysgirls…fishpeople down. Okay, so she doesn’t exactly take out her revenge à la Inigo Montoya (you killed my father prepare to die). She does manage to outlive her scheming ex boyfriend and come home with the gorgeous network TV personality covering the story.

Grace Hensley, Witchmark by C. L. Polk

Sister to main character Miles Singer, Grace is a talented and ambitious mage in her own right. Over the course of the story, she realized her brother is alive, then has to grow up enough to realize that she can’t force him into the role they’ve been born to fulfill. While some have described her as being too assertive, I think she comes across as very motivated. She was easily one of my favourite characters in Witchmark.

Grace’s story, Stormsong, will hit stores on February 11th, 2020. I’ve already got my pre-order in place 🙂

Dennis Mira, In Death series by J. D. Robb

When people think of the J. D. Robb In Death series, they usually think of hard-boiled police detective Eve Dallas and her billionaire playboy husband Roarke. I think of Dennis Mira.

Dennis is the husband to Eve’s mother-figure, profiler Charlotte Mira. He’s the nurturing influence in Eve’s little monkeysphere. When she stops by the house for a consultation, he brings the women hot chocolate. Then reminds Dallas to put on her hat. He’s the absentminded professor in a patched cardigan who always seems to remember the little things.

I think we all need a Dennis Mira in our lives.

Who are the book boyfriends and/or girlfriends you’ve come across? Let me know in the comments 🙂


10 responses to “Book Boyfriends and/or Girlfriends

    • I have a horrible habit of avoiding Really Popular Things.
      I think I have a whole 20 minute rant somewhere about Beverly Hills 90210 and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, but it’s probably best not to get me started 😉

  1. Marianne

    Oh my gosh, I love Dennis Mira in the In Death books. He’s such a doll and kind and stable. He really balances out all the craziness in the books. I always just want to hug him (is it weird that I picture him a bit looking like Mr. Rogers?). Good choice!!!

    • You’ll have plenty of books to keep you occupied! I seem to recall the series turns 25 next year and Robb’s 50th book in the series is coming out soon. 🙂

  2. I adore Dennis! Actually, there are not many characters in the IN Death series (except for the ones you are supposed to not like) that I don’t love. Robb does such an excellent job making each one stand out. Will definitely have to check out the others on your list!

    • So very true. Robb has built a really solid supporting cast, and it’s hard not to enjoy their cameos. I suppose I could have also tucked Morris and Peabody into the list somewhere, but a girl has to know where to draw the line! 😉

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