It’s another Foodie Friday! This week saw just a little more variety at mealtime. We actually had a plan, and we stuck to it – make a menu, do one large shopping trip, and prep in advance where necessary.
It actually seems to have worked.
Friday: Dinner with friends! We brought a crustless quiche and they made a really great salad. We found out that our hostess likes Olive Garden so much, she buys their salad dressing. So…

Saturday: We joined them the next day for lunch at Olive Garden. Well…more like Brunner. Breakfast/lunch/dinner combined. I had the stuffed Chicken Marsala, which was close enough to a “healthy meal”. I will admit, however, that I did have the Minestrone and a breadstick. I’m strong, but not *that* strong.
It was a sodium-laden day, though. We had popcorn at the movies later. Oops.
Sunday: No picture. Not that it was very interesting…cheesy scrambled eggs and bacon. Mmm. Bacon!
Monday: The Husbeast has a really great meatloaf recipe that he’s tweaked to have a lower glycemic impact on us. It’s quite possibly the best meatloaf I’ve ever tasted. Even if I do dip it in a tiny amount of ketchup. Some old habits die hard.
Tuesday: My preferred method of roasting a chicken is to give it a spice rub and sit it on top of a half-can of beer for 1.5 hours. Beer can chicken makes the bird nice and tender on the inside, with a crispy skin on the outside. We served it with creamed cauliflower in place of potatoes, and the ever-present salad.
Wednesday: Steak night! Yes, I cut my steaks into little tiny pieces like a 6-year old. Don’t judge me! At least I don’t call up my Dad to come cut it for me… 😉
At any rate, the Husbeast used a new Steak Spice we picked up at Silk Road in Inglewood. Tasty!
Thursday: We bought a really nice Memphis Pork Rub a couple of weeks ago when we were at Silk Road. Boutique spices, yes, but they have an excellent variety. I brined the chops for a couple of hours, then rubbed it down with some olive oil and a little of the rub. A little goes a long way! I also made a small Caesar Salad, nuked some frozen Peaches & Cream corn niblets, and made a home-made apple sauce. Zero added sugar as there’s more than enough in the apples themselves. The apples are from the tree in our front yard, by the way….glad that I was able to have a taste of them this year!

What’s everyone else digging into these days?
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