I don’t know if spooky season is coming to an end, or just beginning. Beginning? Have you ever seen the way the US crushes Thanksgiving and Xmas together? To my little Canadian mind, that’s scary.

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba at The Caffeinated Reviewer. You should check out her blog. And then check out the blogs of all the other awesome folks doing the Sunday Post. There are links. Lots and lots of links.

We’re now coasting on the post-Hallowe’en crash. We were hoping to clean up our diet after our annual candy apples on the 31st, but there was a lot of Hallowe’en candy left over this year. Not as many kids came to the door. I think that has to do with the weather. It’s been a cold, drizzly, and snowy October. The house is getting colder during the day. Time to start hibernating, methinks. I have a blankie around here somewhere.
Last Week on the Blog:
Monday: Review: The Vampire Knitting Club by Nancy Warren
Tuesday: TTT: Hallowe’en Pumpkins
Wednesday: WWBC: Things that Scare me
Thursday: Review: Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt
Friday: A recap of Hallowe’en 2019
Saturday: A yarn review: Caron Cotton Cakes
Upcoming Features:
Your guess is as good as mine! Other than the usual memely content, I’m not sure what I’m getting up to. Apparently November is for Non-Fiction. The Non-Fiction I tend to read is so dry…nobody needs to read about that. Well, except the true crime, but one true crime book does not a month of content make!
What I finished
What makes a true spooky season? Mystery, magic, and murder, of course. I finished reading Microphones and Murder by Erin Huss. Technically, Hex and The Vine Witch were finished last week, but I forgot to mention them. Oops. So they’re getting tacked onto this week’s entry.
What I’m Reading, Listening to and Watching
I’m reading the Stitches and Witches by Nancy Warren, Vendetta in Death by JD Robb, and Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody. I’ve gone on enough “blind dates” with books lately that I need a comfort read.
I’m still listening to The Killer Across the Table by John E. Douglas and Mark Olshaker. It’s very…analytical. There are worse way to spend your driving time. I could be watching something really exciting and drive thoroughly distracted. Maybe let’s not do that.
For those who are more visually inclined, I give you Ms. Bernadette Banner, who “updates” ye olde Sexy Historical Costumes with…um…what they should have looked like in the first place.
Say what you like, I find it fascinating. Then again, I have a modern hand-sewn reproduction of the Queen Elizabeth I Effigy Corset in a drawer in my studio. I didn’t say it was a good reproduction, just that it exists.
Stash Aquisition

I purchased Save the Cat Writes a Novel with unused Kobo points. Hooray for not spending money!
I also received eARCs via Edelweiss + of Girl Gone Viral by Alisha Rai and Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson. Big thanks to Avon and William Morrow respectively.
So what’s been keeping you occupied this week?

Looks like you had a great week of reading and good books on the go! I’ve recently finished the episodes available on Netflix for Mindhunter so that book is definitely going on my want to read list. I hope you have a great week ahead!
Mindhunter is definitely a fun series to watch. The Killer Across the Table is also narrated by Jonathan Groff, so you get to picture Holden Ford in your head while you listen. Or Kristoff from Frozen. I won’t judge 😉
It’s definitely getting colder! It’s been such a fast drop in temperatures too! I do enjoy this time of year though so I don’t mind the cold or crazy much.
After a quick follow-through of your links, it looks like we’re around the same latitude, so similar weather wouldn’t surprise me. Though that negates any other kind of surrounding geography, and I’ll admit that being land-locked in a North American desert (close enough) has its own quirks 😉
I really don’t mind the cold so much as I mind the snow. It’s like we went from Summer to Winter with very little transition. If I was living in the Northwest Territories, I’d consider it part & parcel of the experience. Down here, it’s just annoying.
The one up-side is that it’s now very comfortable to spend an afternoon crocheting that afghan I put away over the summer months 😉