I may have mentioned that Calgary recently played host to a whole schwack of celebrities during the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo. We apparently had Shatner, and Felicia Day, and a whole bunch of web artists.
It also had my friend Mike. Mike is our former roommate back from when we were living in the townhouse o’doom. He had a table with his wife, Lisa, our friend Kyle, and our other friend Shonna.
I can’t remember if I mentioned it, because I was pretty angry at the time, but we spent the entire weekend trying to get to the Expo. The local LRT wound up with a car stuck in the tunnel leading south, and it took well over an hour to clear. By the time we managed to get to our destination…the Con was over for the day. Luckily, Robin managed to get there on the Sunday to wander about, see our friends, and do a little retail therapy of the nerd kind. He also commissioned a picture for me from Mike.
I present to you Mike and Robin’s version of Mina Murray-Harker from Bram Stoker‘s Dracula and (particularly this version) Alan Moore‘s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. If you don’t catch the reference to the scarf, read the Graphic Novels by Moore. If you don’t understand the knitting reference, I’m not sure there’s much I can do to help you 😉
Thanks Mike! We plan on getting it printed & framed for the house. You did a wonderful job as always 🙂
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